License Agreement You are hereby licensed to use this software on ONE (1) machine only. In addition, you may install ONE (1) copy of this software on a development systems for testing purposes, however you may not provide run-time access on more than one machine. In the event you need to run this software on more than one machine which provides runtime access, you MUST purchase a copy for each system this software will be running on. If you have not registered, the DEMO copy will expire after a preset length of time. Once this time has expired, the DEMO copy will no longer function. Entering a valid registration code will re-activate the module. Attempts to defeat the enforcement of the DEMO period may result in erratic operation. Under NO circumstances shall you attempt to modify or attempt to circumvent the registration code portion of this software. Any attempt to do so is in direct violation of this license agreement. Any attempt to reverse engineer this software (by decompiling or other means) is in direct violation of this license agreement. As of this writing the source code to these modules is not available to the general public. Anyone desiring source code to these modules should notify Vinculum Data Systems in writing and consideration will be given regarding the availability of the source code to these modules. Vinculum Data Systems - 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer Vinculum Data Systems (referred to as VDS hereafter) warrants this product to be free from physical defects at the time of delivery and will replace the distribution diskette(s) and/or files if they are found to be defective at the time of delivery. This software is sold "AS IS" and is not guaranteed to meet your requirements or to provide error free operation. Every attempt has been made to produce error free software. VDS makes no warranties, either express or implied with regard to suitability, performance, or fitness of purpose of the software. In no event and under no circumstances shall VDS be held responsible for any damages resulting from the use of this software in excess of the sum paid by the customer for the product to which any claim for damages relates. Vinculum Data Systems Sales/Inquiries : 405-947-6673 Vinculum Data Systems Tech Support : 405-789-9162 Vinculum Data Systems 2716 SW 44th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73119